Deb’s Travels

This category brings you to my diary-type posts. It’s here for my friends and everyone else I have met since 2011 who have asked me to keep them up to day with my adventure. It’s here for anyone who wishes to follow my travels. To read any full post, click its header.

Homeopathic is so travel convenient

It’s important to be prepared for health experiences as you travel — especially when you are not sure what your next destination is or what will greet you as you travel. We all know that first aid and medical preparation is important, but so is not carrying too much weight and bulk. Enter Homeopathic solutions. Here are just a few examples of how they have helped me — not just when traveling but at home as well when I’m home. Staying at a long-term hotel once, a friendly desk clerk wasn’t feeling well one day. Allergies, cold, sore throat?  He wanted to go get caught medicine or such but wasn’t sure what and couldn’t leave to get something. I ran to my room and found SinusCalm by Boiron in my bag and gave him a tube I happened to be carrying. The next day he told me he felt so […]

Homeopathic solutions for health as your travel - or stay home.

ChicoBag Sling, their product shot

Always with me: ChicoBags!

I’ve written about ChicoBags for years now, raving about how I use them daily as I travel. My love for their quality, convenience, and compact design is as strong as ever. I’m adding this post because, until the past 2 years, I hadn’t realized how much I’d use them when not traveling. Unfortunately, for the past few years I haven’t been able to wander foreign countries, walking miles and miles per day. I’ve needed to stay near family and friends and at times even walking from home to sidewalk has been a challenge. But I’ve still had one or two ChicoBag Sling bags with me any time I waked out my door and even going from room to room or within my accommodations — just like when I’m out for an entire day of travel. (And there is always a TravelPack in my car or nearby closet as well.) I […]

Tray Organizer for easy access to stuff during flights

On a long flight or any flight, do you wish you had easy access to the things you need or wish to use? Do you feel you’re always bending over to dig through your under-seat bag or get tired of having your carry-on on your lap? If so, or if you simply enjoy convenience, I have a possible solution for you. It’s a tray-cover that’s an organizer to give you easy access to what you most need while you’re flying. The Tray Organizer by Serenity Organizers™.

The bottom of the Cabeau Evolution soft inflatable Cushion. It's perfect for travel.

A seat cushion – long-term travelers dream

A soft place to sit. I don’t expect that wish will be a necessary anymore, thanks to a new item in travel — inflatable ergonomic Evolution Cushion by Cabeau! This cusion packs rather small & it’s light, so it’s well worth the packing impact. It’s strong and evenly distributes your weight. It’s easy to adjust the how firm or soft you’d like it.

Travel in health -Books for health

Getting sick is especially bothersome when you’re traveling. But of course, illness happens and there are plenty of good, easy ways to deal with that. For now, let’s talk about ways to prevent illness. This page covers some online info and books that I know to be excellent and helpful. Each comes as an ebook too, so you can take it with you as you travel. Hint: Everything pretty much comes down to eating real food over fast and processed foods. This is often called Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB). This sets you and your body up for its best health so you can minimize illness and maximize opportunities for great adventures.  I don’t give medical advice so don’t take my words that way, but I and others know that as you learn what’s in these books it’s possible to balance local experiences and enjoy the local cuisines of the places […]

How Not To Die book cover

Shoes at Amazon

Shopping for clothes? Do you absolutely love to shop at Amazon? Here are some links that may speed up your search.(These are affiliate links that help support this site but don’t cost you extra.) Women’s Skechers at Amazon This black “Skechers Women’s Microburst One up Fashion Sneaker” appears to be the closest to the shoe I wore for over a year of travel. It worked for me as an everyday shoe and even passed at a couple of weddings, but had the comfort of a sneaker for all of my walking. With the right shoe like this you don’t need to carry a sneaker and shoes. (I have not seen this shoe in person yet though.)   This grey “Skechers Women’s Breathe Easy-Good Influence Sneaker“ looks like it could be great as a stylish everyday walking shoe. (I have not seen this shoe in person yet though.)   Men’s Rockport […]

British Pub Quiz Night – in Los Angeles

I’ve loved neighborhood pubs in England and Ireland when I lived or visited there. However, I wouldn’t typically have entered even a British style pub in Los Angeles.

But my British friend’s long-time friend from England told him about The Fox and Hounds, “a proper British pub” and it had a Quiz Night. That clinched our decision. On a Wednesday evening, we headed over Laurel Canyon…

Good, relaxed quiz, prizes, a new cider for me, great Steak n’ Ale Pie, Steak n’ Kidney Pie for my friend. I’ll definitely bring more people to The Fox and Hounds.

Travel experience gold

[Written while in Ireland. Posted after I’ve left Ireland.] Today was a unique, successful, rewarding travel-in-Ireland day. Where did I go? Mostly I sat at a table in the common area of a hostel in Dublin. What did I do? Mostly I sat at my computer and read email, then wrote up or posted reviews for TripAdvisor and this blog. But that’s now what was special or notable. What sights, scenery, buildings or landmarks, did I see? None. I saw the kitchen, the dining, and sitting tables. When I went out to the supermarkets I didn’t veer right to admire the huge old train station. I didn’t take photos of the beautiful pub next door.  I didn’t see any of Dublin’s cool Talking Sculptures. So what made this a great Irish experience or travel day? The answer to that is… a conversation with a security guard who wouldn’t even tell me […]

Dublin & Bray Ireland on map

Best Liverpool hostel or low-cost hotel — Sleep Eat Love 1

Sleep Eat Love hostel-hotel in Liverpool, England UK, provides a choice of dorm or private room — a great-priced place to stay that’s less costly than the other hotels in Liverpool and is well suited to grown-ups. This new-in-2018 Liverpool hotel-hostel has created a sweet spot for travelers (or travellers). It provides a cultured hostel environment and mood with the quality of a hotel and a great social opportunity for those who wish to meet fellow travelers. I absolutely loved my stay here and highly recommend it as the place to stay in Liverpool.

Terrific location. Less than 1/2 mile from The Cavern Club. Only .9 miles from Albert Dock and even less to the Ferry Cross the Mersey. Supermarkets and an entire mall is right nearby, as is the don’t miss Royal Court Theater.
Great staff. Comfortable.

Exploring The Matthew – the ship that sailed to North America

In 1497, approximately 17 men led by Captain John Cabot sailed out of the Bristol Channel, Bristol, England under Henry VII. On June 24, 1497, they arrived in “New Founde Landes.” Today we call that Newfoundland, Canada.

Christopher Columbus, on the other hand never reached North America. Oh, the things you learn while climbing around on a ship as you travel. Especially on the replica of such a historic ship. It’s hard to imagine this tiny ship making such a voyage.

Enjoying simple kindnesses in Thornbury

When he returned with a USB adapter I jumped from my seat. He told me there’s an outlet right beside my table. I was able to get to over 60% by the time I was done eating. I said I’ll bring it back in a moment and he said to keep it!

I will carry this charger with me daily. Around the house. When I go out. I will truly remember this kind man every day that I’m in his country. And long afterward.

UK Cellular (Mobile) service for travel – easy with giffgaff 1

You might travel well without phone service, but having it can greatly expand your experiences.

Are you traveling from the United States or another non-EU country and into the UK? Are planning to stay in the UK or perhaps in the UK plus EU for a few days? If so — yes, even for just a few days — it can easily pay to get yourself a local SIM card and local mobile service. It certainly does if you travel long-term.

But what service and what plan? A contract (aka post-pay) is out. Should you get pre-pay or pay-as-you-go? What happens if you run out of calling minutes, texts, or data?

This is the narration of my own experience getting cellular service (aka mobile service) as I travel in the UK.

Best Burger Stand in San Diego – Angelo’s Burgers – Encinitas

I asked my long-time San Diego area friend if he had a recommendation for a good meal at a good price. A burger would be good, I suggested. Immediately he knew what to recommend:
Angelo’s Burgers in Encinitas
A very good burger for a very good, price — unlike many other eateries along California oceanfront towns, he added.

This is a quintessential Southern California Burger Joint — but with so much more.
It’s a beach town experience without today’s high beach area prices.
And the food’s really good.

Free Shakespeare performances in Southern California 1

I’m visiting a friend in San Pedro, California so tonight… I got to see Shakespeare By The Sea, an excellent performance of The Winter’s Tale.
Fantastic. Minimal set. Beautiful costuming Old English but spoken so it was understandable. Drama, comedy, oh-no moments… I was engrossed.
Tonight was just the 2nd night of the season which runs through August 18, so if you’ll be in the area, you have time to plan.

Deb in Ledak India

Deb’s Already-in-the-Bucket List

“Bucket list” — a list of the things we want to do before we kick the bucket.
I never made one, but one day I got to thinking about the things — outside of the scope of family, formal education, and career — that I’ve already done in my life.

So I started my already-in-the-bucket-list, and frankly, I was amazed at it.

Some of these may have been on my bucket list had I ever made one. Others were simply interesting opportunities that have presented themselves during the adventures of my life so far, mostly during my various travels.

What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
What have you already done?

I bet you’ve done something that’s on someone else’s bucket list!

Watts Towers in Los Angeles – WOW

One day Simon Rodia, a single Italian immigrant living south of downtown LA started using discarded pieces of steel, wire mesh, mortar, glass, and tiles and by hand, without any power tools, created a set of structures that confounded his neighbors. They called him crazy and taunted him as he labored for years on his project. Today, these major feats, the “Watts Towers” as they are commonly known, are the National Historic Landmark Watts Towers of Simon Rodia State Historic Park and are being considered for UNESCO status.

You can see them from the streets around – for free. I happily paid the museum admission in order to support them and the great cultural events that take place in Sabato “Simon” Rodia’s former home.

Have a look. Do they stir your imagination as they do me?

Pioneertown California a taste of the Old West

If you ever get out to Joshua Tree National Park in California, you might want to stop at a unique little old western village called Pioneertown and a walk down its small Mane Street. (Yes, Mane Street, not Main Street.) There’s no admission fee. Just come, park your car for free, and walk around.

If you are thinking “Pioneertown is a strange name for people to have named their town” when they settled out in this open desert area, you’d be correct. You see, it wasn’t pioneers who came and developed this town.

And then there is Pappy & Harriet’s, a family restaurant famous for its concerts. Originally it was just a facade — the “cantina” set of the town that was used in many a  western film you’ve likely seen. 

If you’d like to stay the night either after a day in Joshua Tree National Park or after a meal or concert, you might check out the Pioneertown Motel which also dates back to the founding of this unique town.

You might also want to mail a letter home while you’re there.

Chanukah in northern Israel

I have been celebrating Chanukah all of my life, lighting candles since I was young. But with each place and home I visit, I learn more of not just other people’s cultures, but of my own religion and traditions. This year I was in Israel, for the third time for this festive holiday. In fact, it was not even my first time being in Tzfat (aka Safed) for Chanukah — but I still had new experiences and still learned more.

Chanukah candles