Always with me: ChicoBags!
I’ve written about ChicoBags for years now, raving about how I use them daily as I travel. My love for their quality, convenience, and compact design is as strong as ever. I’m adding this post because, until the past 2 years, I hadn’t realized how much I’d use them when not traveling. Unfortunately, for the past few years I haven’t been able to wander foreign countries, walking miles and miles per day. I’ve needed to stay near family and friends and at times even walking from home to sidewalk has been a challenge. But I’ve still had one or two ChicoBag Sling bags with me any time I waked out my door and even going from room to room or within my accommodations — just like when I’m out for an entire day of travel. (And there is always a TravelPack in my car or nearby closet as well.) I […]