Dorota and I spent our days in Zakopane simply walking around and enjoying the sites, sounds, and foods — despite the rain. (Remember you can click an image to enlarge it.)
One of the things you can’t miss is the local cheese. It’s sold in each of the main areas of Zakopane and comes in many sizes, shapes, and nuances.
Notice it’s not refrigerated? It’s all quite salty and doesn’t need refrigeration. At least not until cut info or for some time.
I brought some back to Warsaw as a gift to my host and hostess there.
The Square
Food stalls surrounded a local square (well circle). The potato pancake stand was irresistible as our lunch. They serve these hot crisp beauties covered in cream.

Enjoying our npotato pancakes in Zakopane Poland. (Dorota doesn’t normally get food all over her face; couldn’t resist for this photo.)
I got to people-watch as we joined others sitting on a low stone curb to enjoy our casual snack or meal. The entertainment included this man with a giant bubbles show.
Amusement area
There’s also a simple amusement park.
Afternoon warm-up with Polish Tea
We stopped at this cafe to get out of the rain. An afternoon warm-up in a coffee shop decorated with old electronics and Polish record albums (Soviet era 70s or so).
Dorota introduced me to Herbata po goralsku — a traditional regional mountain drink to keep you warm. It’s a regular tea (Lipton’s common tea in this case) with Vodka. (10 zl)
The music playing is all Polish.
Two of the songs:
Zbigniew Wodecki singing a Chalupy (Welcome to Chalupy). A lovely best that feels good. Chalupy is a famous seaside beach.
Alicja Majewska singing a song from the 80s.