
Pretty much as soon as you start reading or talking about travel, you come upon packing tips.

I’ve read some tips I learned by living and was happy to see are on the web I once also read some that I wish I could tear off of the web as they were clearly written by a non-traveler who clearly just happened to be assigned an article. I’ve found some that although written with a tone of authority, were not my own experience in my 20s and definitely don’t apply to more mature women (or to men).

The posts tagged as “packing” here are either my own personal experience or those of people that I know know how to travel. As with all of my writing, I write only what I know to be true. To read any full post, click it’s header.

Double Duty Packing – Bring a Sarong 1

When living out of just one bag, every item matters

For years, I have had a large black and white sarong that remained in my dresser drawer. I am not a sarong type of gal. But while packing up my home of many years and giving away my stuff, I recognized the value of this large, thin, fabric garment.

Some of the many uses for a sarong

This light-weight garment plays several roles.

Deb's great travel sarong

Hair for the traveler 1

Is your hair is getting knotty and hard to brush out as you travel? Cut it. That’s not easy for a woman to do, so this can be big. Seriously, cut your hair. It’ll grow back. And shorter hair is freedom, except for some hair types. (If that’s you, ignore this.) I cut my hair in early October and by November I was leaving torn hair behind, having to use a conditioner, was rethinking my shampoo choice. Suddenly I had the opportunity to have my hair cut (Gary, who has cut my hair most of my adult life was in NYC before heading out on his own South American travels. I expect you all get to meet a Gary somewhere in your travels and life.) Anyway, I met Gary in the city and had him cut it as short as he dared. The next day I had no knots and […]