Recommendation for affordable hair cut in Panama

If you are an English speaking traveler, either male or female, looking for a great haircut in Panama — and you don’t want to pay $35+ at the English-speaking Panama City salons — I have a fantastic recommendation for you.

The salon is Aaròn Estudo. It is in Punta Patilla, across the street from MetroCentro, in the side street beside Arocha Farmacia. (I have to get the correct spelling of Arocha as I know this is wrong.) The man to see is Carlos.

This guy Carlos is great. He trained for years in Chicago so he was able to fully discuss the nuances of what I wanted. And the price for my great woman’s was just $10!

Below is the corner you look for when across from MultiCentro. The Popeyes is to the left of the pharmacy. Aaròn Estudo is in fhis strip, just past that parked car.

Below that is the front, looking toward the MetroCentro area.