On a long flight or any flight, do you wish you had easy access to the things you need or wish to use? Do you feel you’re always bending over to dig through your under-seat bag or get tired of having your carry-on on your lap? If so, or if you simply enjoy convenience, I have a possible solution for you. It’s the Tray Organizer by Serenity Organizers™ — a tray cover that’s an organizer for access to what you most want when you’re flying.
I must say up front, that I have not tried this flight-convenience organizer first-hand and haven’t yet provided one to my trusted parents-of-young-chidren testers so I can’t “recommend” it. But I have met one of the Serenity Organizers co-founders (Audrey of Audrey and Lori) and she showed it to me, introduced me to the features, and answered my questions. For example as she told me that it was made to keep items in, even when you put your tray down to eat, or for the kids to play, I, too, pulled at the edges to see this. Plus, this is version two; based on people who used the first version and providing feedback. So I am comfortable telling you about it.
As I don’t have my own photos of the organizer in use, please have a look at the photos and video on their website’s page. Here, I have compiled 3 of their photos to demonstrate the organizer’s use.
You might use it for your own seat tray, or you might have one for your child or children, placing it on your child’s seat tray. This tray organizer for flying keeps your tray or lap free for whatever you need, such as having an under-two-year-old in your lap, or your must-do work.

A demo of use of the Tray Organizer. Photos provided by Serenity Organizers
How this Tray Organizer can work for you on your flight
Prior to your flight, it’s a draw-string satchel. Gather all the things you anticipate wanted to use/reach during your flight and toss them into the satchel. If you’re traveling with a child or children, gather all the items you want them to access during the flight. That may be games, books, coloring books and crayons, snacks, etc.
Once you’re seated (and out of the aisle so others can board), pull the seat tray down and slip the Tray Organizer over the tray. I’m pretty sure you’ll need to take the items out and lay them on the seat temporarily to do this. Then return the tray to the locked position and strategically place your items into any of the four pockets.
At snacktime or airline mealtime, pull the tray down to provide a clean surface. (I’m thinking that while the tray is in the locked position, it may touch the back of the plane’s seat so I can’t promise that the Tray Organizer provides a 100% germ-free or clean surface, but it’s better than an uncovered oft-eaten-upon uncovered tray. If the seat isn’t fabric, you might use a disinfectant wipe on that seat-back before putting the tray up.)
Any time you want the table for yourself or your children, pull the tray down to provide play or work surface. (I suspect this is a less slippery surface, which should help keep toys on the tray.) They say the fabric causes liquid to bead up and be wiped off, so spills are not as messy.
When I was shown a full pocket and the inventor put the tray table down, everything (including a water bottle) stayed in it. This was due to a strong elastic at the top of each pocket. Of course you should be sure the water bottle is closed properly.
At the end of your flight, just slip it off and let the contents of the pockets drop into it as it once again becomes a drawstring tote. If nothing has already landed on the floor, you’ve saved yourself the loss of a favorite item.
I think if this is being used by children and the children are old enough, before you do this, ask them to look at all their stuff and tell you if anything is missing and may have fallen on the floor.
If you’re using it for yourself, I still suggest you check that you haven’t dropped anything or left it on a seat.
Wash it by hand or in a machine, so it’s ready to use again.
Features of the Tray Organizer for flying
- Lightweight (2.8 oz). They point out that this is less than 3 AA batteries.
- Washable – hand or machine wash and hang to dry, easy during your travel, or machine wash and dry in a dryer.
- Antimicrobial fabric (100% polypropylene)
- Spills are easy to clean because liquid bead up to wipe off
- Four pockets
- Fits Most Airplanes with pull-down trays. The elastic that holds it in place is strong.
- Comes in 6 colors (specialty branding is also available).
- Stuff stays in the pockets when the tray is put down. (If you use the pockets wisely and don’t over-do.
Benefits of the Tray Organizer for flying
- Provides a clean surface for your food and belongings.
- Minimizes the chances of items being lost to the floor or left on a seat.
- Leaves your lap free or available for other things/children.
Where to Buy the Tray Organizer for flying
The Tray Organizer is available for sale on the company’s own website, at SerenityOrganizers.co/products/tray-organizer. Retail price is US$45, but I asked and they gave me a code for you to have a 20% discount. Just use TAKE20.
It is also available on Amazon from Serenity Organizers’ own store, in case you’re inclined to purchase it that way. I’m providing the full link (not shortened to hide anything from you) in case you’d like to use this link and help support this site.
Note about buying from Amazon: I recommend you always buy from a company’s own store or at least from a store/vendor you know/trust. This helps you and the originator avoid knock-offs and counterfeits that can disappoint or harm you.
If you purchase and use this airplane seat tray organizer for your flights, I’d love to know how you liked (or don’t like) it. I hope you’ll leave a comment. Comments aren’t public until I approve them, so you can also leave a private comment about it or a message to pass to the co-founders.