Homeopathic is so travel convenient

It’s important to be prepared for health experiences as you travel — especially when you are not sure what your next destination is or what will greet you as you travel. We all know that first aid and medical preparation is important, but so is not carrying too much weight and bulk.

Homeopathic solutions for health as your travel - or stay home.

Homeopathic solutions for health

Enter Homeopathic solutions. Here are just a few examples of how they have helped me — not just when traveling but at home as well when I’m home.

Staying at a long-term hotel once, a friendly desk clerk wasn’t feeling well one day. Allergies, cold, sore throat?  He wanted to go get caught medicine or such but wasn’t sure what and couldn’t leave to get something. I ran to my room and found SinusCalm by Boiron in my bag and gave him a tube I happened to be carrying. The next day he told me he felt so much better.

I found I had trouble sleeping. Coffee Cruda by Boiron to the rescue.

Colds happen a few times a year. That runny nose, sore throat, sneezing. Had I not used my Boiron ColdCalm up already when that hotel clerk wasn’t feeling well, I’d have offered that to him. It’s one that never want to be without that again.

Several times I have turned to Arnica, having been introduced to it by Ollois. It has helped when I’ve been banged into, when I fell on my finger, as more.

For several years, I’d heard of and seen those tiny tubes of very tiny pills called Homeopathic medicine but I didn’t try them until introduced to them by Ollois and Boiron at a trade show called Natural Product [ExpoWest/ExpoEast]. As I move around a lot, traveling or not, I have been happy I’d met them, learned from them, and the began to benefit from knowing their products.

This is a bit personal, but for the sake of some of you I’ll add that unknowingly and diagnosed, I’ve been dealing with cancer the past few years. With chemo, radiation, very unhealthy blood levels, I needed to stay as healthy as possible but didn’t want medications. I’ve felt safe using each of these examples and more during this period as well as before.

I definitely recommend Homeopathic health solutions.I believe you will benefit from them too, as well as help fellow travelers.

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