Once in a while, you happen upon clothing that’s absolutely perfect for travel. Here’s one that’s a go-to top for me in 2018. It’s a brand called KikiSol and this top is called Storm — Black Back and White Jagged Tee. I love KikiSol’s fabrics; they are “printed by hand.” The top has depth and feeling. Plus, it’s cotton! I LOVE cotton clothing — it’s healthy and comfortable.

A shopping trip to Stoke Gifford, England, and the slightly cool weather is perfect for wearing my KikiSol shirt & A New Day leggings & Rockport sandals. Using my Eagle Creek Stuffable Daypack for my Lumix camera et al.
It takes up almost no space in any travel bag.
It’s long enough to wear with leggings or jeggings, even for me at 5’8″ with a full bust and a not-skinny waist. I think it’ll be great with some skirts as well, such as my “fancy” black travel skirt.
It’s a soft light-weight cotton fabric making it terrific for very hot days. When I bought it, I was worried that the fabric was too thin, but it has turned out to be concealing enough.
It’s loose and roomy making it even better in the heat.
It’s easy to wear while carrying a backpack.
Being thin, it dries incredibly quickly. I hand-wash it, wring it gently, then hang it inside — and I can wear it again the very next day, even if I’d washed it late at night. I guess it’ll take a little bit longer on a cold night. I’ve also been able to wear it later the same day!
I love the way the light cotton wrinkles ever so slightly when I wring it dry and just let it hang. This gives it even more texture.
I expect it’ll work for cold weather too because it would be great over a 3/4 or long-sleeved shirt. I’m not into layers but as when traveling it helps to be flexible.
Of course, you can guess I wish I’d bought another KikiSol shirt!
I wore this top day after day in the Southern California heat.
This was my top of choice for my two American Airlines flights and National Express bus ride that brought me from LA to a Bristol, UK suburb where I now write this.
Shawn Rohde KikiSol’s Designer and Owner.
She’s got a full line of garments and fabric patterns.