Daily Archives: August 19, 2012

My 1st Spanish movie

Today, Sunday Aug 19, I joined Salvadorian friends seeing MiniEspias, aka Spy Kids 4 – in Spanish. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do, but I followed the film pretty well. There were a few conversations where I didn’t know any of the words, but in most of the dialog I understood at least half the words and in a film like that, that was enough. Pretty cool.

Phoning home’s a blast

Today I was told a package arrived at my old address for me, so I called my friend, a former neighbor, to ask her to take it for me. I wish I had a recording of this call. I said, “Hi Ruth, it’s Deb.” The response was 100% dead silence. I could hear the pause, visualize her brain working as she tried to put things together, to assimilate the realization of this being the voice of a person with whom she is used to only infrequent emails. It was so great to talk to her. I have been enjoying good old-fashioned style phone calls for a couple of weeks now, ever since I installed Vonage Mobile app (which no longer exists) on my iPhone. It requires good wi-fi so I won’t always be able to use it, which makes these calls even more of a treat. Two weeks ago I sat […]